Let's maximize your personal and professional potential together !
high up me

Mais c’est quoi ?
Que ce soit dans le contexte de l’avancement professionnel, de l’épanouissement personnel ou du dépassement des obstacles, un coach est là pour vous accompagner. Il écoute attentivement, pose des questions pertinentes et vous aide à élaborer un plan d’action précis pour que vous puissiez atteindre vos objectifs. Imaginez avoir quelqu’un qui a une grande confiance en vous, vous encourage à donner le meilleur de vous-même et vous guide sur la voie du succès. Voilà en quoi consiste la puissance du coaching.
Source ICF ((International Coaching Federation))
Our specialities
Life coaching
Our coaches will help you define your life goals. We will work together hand in hand and identify what is holding you back and what is preventing you from becoming the best version of yourself.
Team coaching
Coaching supports your teams in change management, team dynamics, interpersonal communication, regulation/creation of rules, decision-making, management of disagreements and conflicts.
Health coaching
What does being happy and healthy mean to you? Our Health Coach will help you discover simple but effective strategies and routines to implement in your daily life.
Executive coaching
Is your work environment in crisis? Do you feel overwhelmed by a situation or do you simply feel the need to reflect out loud with someone you trust to clarify your motivations, ambitions or strategies?
Student coaching
Our specialised coaches will help you to overcome certain difficulties that may arise during the school or university year. The challenges are sometimes difficult to identify. Your coach will accompany you so that you can regain your motivation, self-confidence and the independence you need.
Dispo tous les 1er. lundis du mois.
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and in the meantime ...
Where do we stand today?
satisfied customers
coaching in progress
coffee cups

What makes us different ?
We could talk to you about professionalism, the academic background of our coaches or their different experiences acquired throughout their lives, but if we are here today it is to talk about you! Our goal is to respect your personality and your needs in their greatest originality and with all your differences!
Who are we ?

Laurent Biffi
Master Coach Certifié I Coach PNL
Where to start? Well, simply by looking back and realising that through all these rich professional experiences, I have always had a passion for others. Today it is more important to me than ever to dedicate my time and my various learnings to those in need. A day well spent has always been to realise that in some way I have been able to help someone in some way.
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Annabel Uldry
Certified Coach I Health Coach I LNP Practitioner
Meet Annabel Uldry
“We rise by lifting others”
Hello, my name is Annabel, I am the mother of a beautiful young woman of 26 years old, wonderful friends, a great family, coaching, team and project management, creation of original events and a lot of dreams: a nice cocktail for a busy life.
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Your benefits
By starting a coaching process with us, you benefit from a private coaching 3.0 space with tools, courses, documents, videos, audios and lots of goodies that will help you develop your full potential.
- Follow-up content - 90%.
- Personal development dashboard - 77%.
- Development materials - 85

To your personal and private development dashboard
To all our courses, tools and other goodies
our engagement
As members of the International Coaching Federation ICF, our coaches Coaching s’engagent à suivre le code de déonthologie propre à ICF* dans la pratique de leur métier. ICF Code of Ethics
*ICF: plus grande fédéreation de coaching au monde. Elle participe à la régulation du métier et garanti un cadre de pratique.

This is what they say about their experience at High up me.
Thanks to Coaching, I was able to do the work that was important to me in relation to my ability to be a good mother‘ai pris conscience de mes peurs, de mes freins et finalement que je serais une bonne mère en pensant avant tout à moi. Je suis vraiment reconnaisante de ce travail effectué et de la bienveillance de mon Coach qui m’a aidé à comprendre que je faisais déjà un excellent travail. J’ai pris confiance en moi et aujourd’hui je me sens mieux dans mon rôle de mère »
“I am currently going through a life transition, both personally (divorce) and professionally (reorientation), and have benefited from numerous coaching sessions with Laurent. Confronted with many questions, needs and doubts, these sessions allowed me to move forward on various levels, by helping me to identify my objectives, my blockings, my resources and to develop concrete and achievable courses of action in order to reach the set goals. I was thus able to resolve certain difficulties and progress in my personal development and my life path, and I am very grateful to Laurent for his precious help.”
Anyone can call themselves a coach. But credentialed coaches are professionals who have met stringent education and experience requirements, and have demonstrated a thorough understanding of the coaching competencies that set the standard in the profession. Additionally, they adhere to strict ethical guidelines as part of ICF’s mission to protect and serve coaching consumers.

Bookez, payez et profitez de votre service
let's get to know each other
We look forward to meeting you!